Well, after a week of trying to get settled back into a routine after returning to Mexico, I think we can say that we have survived the transition period, and we are back in the swing of things. After the cold and the snow, I have to say that I absolutely love the weather here. Yes, the snow was beautiful, but there is nothing like a warm and sunny January afternoon. My kids, however, think differently. In fact, before we left Minnesota, Sam asked if we could stay until the ice melts. Uh... no! That could be May! :)
I have decided I really need to get fit and lose the extra pounds I put on at Christmas. So, I am now walking with a few people from base every morning. I have learned one thing in the past week - I am so out of shape! I am truly glad that I have someone to keep me accountable to getting up early to walk, and it is absolutely a gorgeous time of day to be walking in the mountains. The fog is usually rising up the mountains, and as the sun comes up, it shines on the highest point of the mountain. It is breathtaking. I will be getting some pictures of it to add to the blog, but I know that no picture can capture the beauty. But, I will try to capture some of what I experience each morning.
I am also really excited about what is happening with my friend, S. (name has been deleted for privacy). She is the one that was baptized a few months ago, and her mom was originally against her being a Christian. But, as S. has been reading her bible more, her mom has been asking more questions, so S. is translating it into Mixteco for her mom. Now her mom and youngest sister are coming to the bible study that we have for our neighbors on Tuesdays. I am so excited! I talked with S. the other day about how awesome it will be when we get to baptize her mom and sister. It's such a blessing to me to see how God is moving in S.'s life, and now how God is softening the hearts of her mom and sister. Praise be to God!!