Here is a view of one of the cabins on the mountainside (notice we are higher than the clouds):
We drove 3 hours the next day to Puerto Escondido (we were certainly glad to be done with the twisty, windy, drive through the rest of the mountains). What a joy to see this view when we checked into our villas:
Um... can anyone say paradise?
I guess I should say that I have never been to the Pacific Ocean before nor have I stayed at anything like this before, so this was amazing to me!
Here's a picture of our villa (on the right)
The kids had a blast, swimming and playing in the ocean and the pool at our villas. We had meetings each day from 9:30-2pm and after that, we spent our time playing. One day, a large percentage of our group went on a fishing trip. Dan took Sam and Zach with him, and they caught a huge sailfish:
On their fishing trip, they were also able to see some large sea turtles. It was such a great experience for the boys. Lizzy and I stayed home and had a girl party with her friends - we painted nails, ate popcorn and watched a princess movie.
The whole week was such a wonderful time of fellowship and relaxation. We all had a blast!