Wednesday, June 11, 2008

School's Out!

Okay... well, sorta. Sam and Zach both finished up their "official" school year in the past few weeks. We are still doing some type of school each day - some spelling, science projects, art, typing, and spanish. So, I guess we aren't technically out of school! But, now we can relax a little more and really take our time.

Lizzy & Zach working on a science project

In the past few weeks, we have collected toads, beetles, and lizards. It's beetle season here and they are all over. Some of us think they are disgusting, but our budding scientists think they are great fun (especially to throw at girls). We have planted flowers, picked fresh lettuce, beans, and cucumbers (we tried to make our own pickles, but they didn't quite turn out the same!), and we have tried to hatch some sea monkeys.

Zach & his beetle friend

Beetles are everywhere!!
Today, we went to a town called San Martin Huamalupan. It has some ruins from 400 bc. The summer interns all went, too, to learn more about Oaxaca and the culture here. We had a great time in the museum - we learned some interesting things. The kids all enjoyed playing make believe in the passageway of the ruins while some of the staff and interns had a cultural orientation meeting.

Sam in the museum at the ruins

All the kids from the base at the ruins
mountaintop meeting
Our anniversary is coming up this Saturday, June 14th. It's hard to believe that has been 11 years since we walked down that aisle. I remember the sheer joy I had, knowing that I was becoming Dan's wife. What sweet and precious memories I have from that day! I am grateful each day that God gives me with Dan. He has been an awesome husband, best friend, and daddy. Who would have thought on that wonderful day in 1997 that we'd be here in Mexico 11 years later? It's amazing! We've been through a lot of hard times, but God has been so merciful to us and has always been our source of strength. Each time we face something new that we don't quite think we can handle, it is when God whispers to us, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness" or "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power." Oh, how precious are His words! It is truly only His strength that has gotten us here.
June 14, 1997

1 comment:

Noren Family said...

I love Zach's glasses. They are great!!!